Carnegie was up on the big screen at HPE Discover 2022 this week, one of the biggest conferences in the technology calendar.
Click here to watch HPE’s Paolo Faraboschi talk about the work we are doing to revolutionise wave power with AI.
The three-day conference was held in Las Vegas, Nevada 28-30 June.
Carnegie held a place on the conference floor, showcasing the work being done under its collaboration agreement with Hewlett Packard Enterprises on Reinforcement Learning-based controllers.
CETO was on display in the interactive HPE wave tank, demonstrating its ability to adapt and operate in different wave conditions.
Carnegie also featured in a technical break-out session: ‘Carnegie Clean Energy and Hewlett Packard Labs Revolutionizing Wave Power with Trustworthy AI’.
Hewlett Packard Enterprises recognises that the complex nature of waves and the extremes of an ocean environment make designing an optimum energy-capture device a complex challenge.
Ocean waves carry enormous supplies of consistent clean energy and with reinforcement learning-based AI, CETO can optimally extract energy from each and every wave.
Together with HPE, we are using their supercomputers to study the rhythms of nature, and how they could unlock unlimited supplies of clean energy.