MoorPower Deployed

MoorPower Demonstrator Successfully Deployed and Operating

• Carnegie’s MoorPower technology has been successfully deployed and has commenced operations at Carnegie’s offshore test site at North Fremantle, WA

• This Blue Economy CRC supported MoorPower Scaled Demonstrator Project includes industry partners including leading Australian aquaculture companies Huon and Tassal, as potential first adopters of the technology

• MoorPower delivers onboard electricity generation that can reduce current reliance on diesel generators in offshore operations, cutting carbon emissions, minimising risk and reducing energy costs

• The MoorPower Demonstrator deployment will deliver validation of the technology in advance of commercial rollout in aquaculture and other offshore industries

• The MoorPower Module works on the same principle as the CETO Power Take Off (PTO), but on the surface and at a smaller scale, so learnings are transferable to Carnegie’s projects in Europe

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