EuropeWave PCP Programme
About the Project
- Project Partners: CETO Wave Energy Ireland Limited, SAITEC Offshore Technologies, Yavin Four Consultants, DNV UK Ltd, IHCantabria and Julia F. Chozas Consulting Engineer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and Hutchinson
- Location: Europe
Carnegie, via its wholly owned subsidiary, CETO Wave Energy Ireland Limited, has been selected as 1 of 5 contractors to deliver Phase 2 of the €20m EuropeWave Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) Programme, a competitive programme to advance wave energy.
This follows the competitive selection and successful performance of CETO in Phase 1 of the programme for which Carnegie was awarded €291k (A$463k) to deliver a CETO tank testing campaign and a CETO concept design for sites in Scotland and the Basque Country. Phase 1 ran from 3rd January 2022 for 7 months.
With almost €20 million in funding for the 3 phases of the programme, which runs from 2022 to 2026, the EuropeWave PCP is a collaboration between Wave Energy Scotland (WES), a subsidiary of the Scottish Government’s Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the Basque Energy Agency (EVE).
EuropeWave PCP’s objective is to accelerate the development of cost-effective wave energy converter systems that can survive in the harsh ocean environment, and ultimately EuropeWave PCP will contract three of the Phase 1 and 2 contractors to deploy their prototypes at BiMEP or EMEC in Phase 3.
The selection of subsequent Phase 3 (€3.75m) EuropeWave PCP contracts will be based on competitive selection within the contractors.
CETO Wave Energy Ireland will deliver Phase 2 of the EuropeWave PCP with the support of an impressive team including its consortium partner SAITEC Offshore Technologies and subcontractors Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Hutchinson, DNV (including support from Yavin Four Consultants), IHCantabria and Julia F. Chozas Consulting Engineer. All the Phase 1 partners will continue to be involved and are being joined by new project partners, Hewlett Packard Enterprise who will be involved in the reinforcement learning based control and Hutchinson, who will be involved in the design and testing of the belt component of the power take-off system.
Each company involved will retain ownership of the intellectual property, the results and any physical models, prototypes or other test pieces produced during the PCP.
The EuropeWave project has received funding
from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 883751.